Private Sessions + Retreats
Need deep, extraordinary healing and transformation for you, your family, or your group?
"The clarity I've gotten through doing this work has been huge..."
Clarity! The clarity I've gotten through doing this work has been huge. To be in a safe environment where I could talk and share and cry was so freeing. I'm no longer in a funk, I'm more focused, my business is doing much better, amazing opportunities are coming my way, and I'm connecting more with others and creating a supportive community for myself. Really, the word that keeps coming to me is 'clear'. I feel clearer and more empowered!

As her previous clients can attest, working personally with Emily is a powerful experience that yields exceptional, blissful, life-changing results. In addition to our online Community and Courses, her private sessions, retreat days, and group work give you...
focused, personal attention from Emily
faster, more exceptional results and transformation
the highest level of discretion and privacy
As you consider these options, ask yourself:
How would it feel to be free of your inner critic, inner wall, or pained inner child?
How would your life change?
What's the worst that could happen if you don't get free?

PRIVATE Sessions
Over the phone or WhatsApp, Emily will guide you through her revolutionary Drawing Out Process®, which can permanently heal a deep, unconscious block, trigger, or wound - i.e. an inner critic, inner wall, and inner child. She will transform it from an inner struggle back to an inner strength. Along the way, you will have powerful epiphanies and forge a deeper connection with your inner wisdom and Truth.
Each Drawing Out Process® session is 3 hours long, plus a 30-minute check-in call a few days later to discuss how you're feeling and if you need additional support.
If you've taken the free ChangeLight Course and have drawn out a part that needs extra attention and healing, consider doing a DrOP session to fully heal it!
Drawing Out Process® sessions, including the follow-up call, are US$750 each. Discounts are available for multiple sessions. Schedule a Discovery Call with Emily to discuss what's best for you.

With breath-taking views of New York City's glorious Central Park, you will spend 8-hour days with Emily in her home as she guides you through the Drawing Out Process® and other life-changing techniques from her exclusive ChangeLight System, which can:
permanently heal deep, unconscious blocks, triggers, wounds, and struggles - i.e. inner critics, inner walls, and inner children
access untapped clarity, wisdom, strength, creativity, compassion, joy, and courage within you
provide profound insights on your personal and professional relationships, patterns, and projects
give you a deeper connection with your Truth and the purpose and direction it is guiding you to take
Private Retreat Days are customized for you - whatever you need and desire. Throughout each day, you will enjoy a light breakfast, a yummy lunch, and delectable teas and treats to keep you feeling energized and nourished. By the end of each day, you will have had many extraordinary ah-has and feel more deeply whole, clear, "lit up", healed, and inspired. Each Private Retreat Day is followed by a 1-hour call to discuss the changes you've experiences and what you need going forward.
Leaders, founders, social entrepreneurs, philanthropists, next gen, artists, coaches, and many others have had retreat days with Emily - and gotten exceptional results!
Private Retreat Days include a 1-hour follow-up call. Discounts are available for multi-day private retreats. Schedule a Discovery Call with Emily to learn and discuss what's best for you.
Emily also offers longer-term, custom-designed, 6-month and year-long private programs, consisting of virtual sessions and in-person retreat days. Please schedule a Discovery Call with her to discuss your unique needs and how she can serve you in getting the results and transformation you desire.

Businesses, non-profits, leadership teams, and families often struggle with pervasive, unhelpful patterns that slow down and sabotage the good work they are trying to do. These patterns are typically fueled by deep, subconscious, even generational wounds and defenses that, despite everyone's best efforts to overcome them, keep getting in the way.
The ChangeLight System can:
permanently heal deep, unconscious blocks, triggers, wounds, and struggles within members of the group
access individual and collective clarity, wisdom, strength, creativity, compassion, joy, and courage within the group
provide profound insights into the group's patterns and needs
create a deeper sense of connection, purpose, and direction within the group so that all can move forward productively with greater clarity and ease
Depending on your group's needs, our group programs can include private sessions, private or group retreat days, and/or workshops - all designed to help everyone in the group feel more deeply whole, clear, "lit up", healed, connected, and inspired to have a greater impact together.
If you are interested in having Emily work with your group, team, company, or family, please schedule a Discovery Call with her to discuss options and customized programs.
"I could be as crazy, intuitive, creative, funny, playful, and wise as my best and truest self wanted to be."
I can point to two major changes that are a direct result of working with you. First, I no longer feel the burning anxiety that troubled me for so long. I may still feel anxiety, but that terrible burning sensation is gone. Second, I am much more relaxed in my interactions with my husband. There are still frustrations but nowhere near the kind of internal tension I used to live with.
I appreciated the safe space you created. I could be as crazy, intuitive, creative, funny playful and - dare I say - wise as my best and truest self wanted to be.
You are wise and warm. Your loving, healing energy was such a light and a comfort while we were grappling with some difficult memories and emotions. Then we pulled all the varied pieces and ends together by coloring! The Drawing Out Process is Brilliant. I love you and your work. I’m thrilled that you are taking it all over the world.

Jane P.

The last 10 days since my intensive have been really good, grounded, and happy! Drawing my vision for my new business was incredible, and I've been able to work without panic and self-doubt.
Also, speaking to my 3 emPowers is working for me immensely! I call them "My Project Team" and consult them every day, like my own personal committee. The 3 things they ask me to do are little, yet they help me prioritize, get out of my own way, and make better decisions without all of the old anxiety. I no longer feel that ongoing internal battle, or, when it comes up, I listen to it.
It was just such a tremendous experience, and stepping into my purpose feels easier. I feel like it's what I'm here to do, and nothing I've done up to this point has been a waste of time. I've simply been gathering knowledge for what I'm really here to do. This has really been unbelievably helpful!
"It was such a tremendous experience..."
Margaret P.
Architectural Historian
"This work is brilliant. You are a Master."
In all honesty, I have done a lot of work on myself and have experienced several modalities in an effort to put "stuck" fears and emotions truly behind me, each of which has been helpful. But what you did with me today, Emily, was huge! And bottom-line! I am delighted because I feel different and am already moving forward with just one session
This work is brilliant. You are a Master.
Andi F.
Radio Host & Energy Healer

The shift was so quick. In less than two hours, Emily helped me reassign what had been a limiting group of inner voices into a support group. I felt an amazing lift and difference right away, and the changes continue to show up. I have even laughed out loud a couple of times when I realized "a short while ago that would have really pushed my buttons". It is much easier to just let others be who they are and focus on being who I am. I find myself more at peace with a larger sense of my creative power.
What a gift it is to be able to recognize and step out from under limiting beliefs - like taking your foot off the brake when you want to go. This process is so amazing and simple at the same time. It has opened up a new energy for me. I am full of gratitude.
"I am more at peace with a larger sense of my creative power."
Rae M.
Makeup Artist

Emily has developed a simple, direct, and highly effective approach to releasing and erasing those inner voices or "characters" that rob us of joy, peace, self-trust, and balance. Using crayons, paper, and simple (or complex) drawings that emanate from our deepest heart and soul-self, you will discover aspects of your ego that have been burdening your healthy progress in life.
As a healer myself, I know I cannot take my students anywhere I have not been myself. Emily has "been there". She is gentle, empathetic, and an expert listener. Through asking questions, Emily helps you "draw out" and discover your own solutions to issues that may have challenged you for life! The best part of the experience is no artistic talent is required. Your images are not "judged", nor is your process.
This experience is a true gift for your soul and should not be missed.
Leav B.
Artist & Jewelry Designer
"This experience is a true give for your soul and sould not be missed."
"Open up and just do it."
I was initially skeptical when I heard Emily's work described as 'going through a rebirth'. After experiencing it myself, that is the only word that truly describes how it feels! I felt immense clarity after just one session with Emily and still feel grounded because of the reflection that her techniques provide. I highly recommend that you open up and just do it.
Jihad Bnimoussa, M.S., CYCP
Founder & CEO, InspireCorp

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We never share your information with anyone without your permission.