Read what others say about
Emily and her work.

From executives to activists to prison inmates, Emily has worked with changemakers around the world from a vide variety of backgrounds and life experiences. Many people have come to her as a "last resort" after they've already "tried everything else", and they are frequently astounded by how blocks and triggers that years of therapy couldn't heal, dissolve in just 2-3 hours - transforming into blissful joy and peace.
Below are some of their results.

I know a good thing when I see it. Emily, you are truly on to something here. Walking away from a session with you, saying, "Wow, I just learned something about myself. In fact, I feel like I can accept myself on a whole new level." That is powerful. This process is gentle, kind, and empowering. In my mind, it is exactly what "therapy" should be.
Margaret R.
Architectural Historian

"Emily has the map and the wisdom to guide others to the light."
I have known Emily since 2003. She has the map and wisdom to guide others to the light. She took me inside myself and allowed me to release what were subconsciously directing and affecting my life experiences. Her Drawing Out Process has allowed me to become more integrated and comfortable in my own skin and soul.
Derek Mortland
Musician, Artist, Writer

I recommend this for every single human on the planet. I am still at a loss for words to describe what this can do for us. I wish I could find the words so that I could give more credit to Emily. She's a gift, that's for sure.
Typically when in any type of therapy, we always address the people in our lives who have hurt us. With this, we are able to address what is inside of us - our defense mechanisms, the things that have wounded us, and the things that control us. No blame, no shame, no feeling unworthy, nothing of the sort - just an honest conversation with yourself...
These words come to mind for now: forgiveness, love, release, diffusion, acceptance, acknowledgement, and a great big, "You know what? I'm OK, and I'm totally cool with that." Thanks goes out to Emily for everything she is doing to help so many people and for what she did for me today.
Jeri M.
Program Director

Emily and her work are AMAZING. The truth is, we all have these voices in our heads - all of us. Until we recognize what they are, we will think they are us, and we will let them run our lives. Emily Eldredge helped me identify mine and heal them.
Hope Tackaberry
Life Coach

In all honesty, I have done a lot of work on myself and have experienced several modalities in an effort to put "stuck" fears and emotions truly behind me, each of which has been helpful. But what you did with me today was huge! And bottom-line!
This work is brilliant. You are a Master.
Andi F.
Radio Host

Emily is a gem. A gifted guide, she shines the light in such a way that the dark places don't feel so scary. She is masterful in leading the way through the Process, approaching it from a place of curiosity, acceptance, and love. By coming to a place of compassion and acceptance of those parts of me that were struggling to be heard (that, frankly, I was ignoring!), I was able to shift to a place of feeling more grounded and more together.
I encourage anyone who hasn't experienced the Drawing Out Process to do yourself a favor and get yourself some crayons. Those little voices will thank you!
Naomi P.
Personal Trainer, Yoga Instructor, Certified Coach

Jihad Bnimoussa, M.S., CYCP
Founder & CEO, InspireCorp
I was initially skeptical when I heard Emily's work described as 'going through a rebirth'. After experiencing it myself, that is the only word that truly describes how it feels! I felt immense clarity after working with Emily and still feel grounded because of the reflection that her techniques provide. I highly recommend that you open up and just do it.
Emily is a gift, present, and enthusiastic space-holder with a fantastic system that is able to circumvent challenges that would take months, if not years, for most conventional approaches. And what really makes the difference is that she has been there and had to find something that works.
This is so different than going to someone who, if you're lucky, is gifted only at regurgitating another's materials. No, Emily cares. She draws out what is really at the heart of the matter and does so with the greatest care, compassion, and direction.

Thomas V.
Graphic Artist

The shift was so quick. In less than two hours, Emily helped me reassign what had been a limiting group of inner voices into a support group. I felt an amazing lift and difference right away, and the changes continue to show up. I have even laughed out loud a couple of times when I realized "a short while ago that would have really pushed my buttons". It is much easier to just let others be who they are and focus on being who I am. I find myself more at peace with a larger sense of my creative power.
What a gift it is to be able to recognize and step out from under limiting beliefs - like taking your foot off the brake when you want to go. This process is so amazing and simple at the same time. It has opened up a new energy for me. I am full of gratitude.
Rae M.
Makeup Artist

The DrOP enabled me to draw, talk to, and thank an aspect of my personality that has created many problems, victims, and years in prison. I am much more rational. The emotional connection and experience was immediate and intense. It was very powerful and moving for me. I knew it was important to honor the tears and not wipe them away.

Emily has developed a simple, direct, and highly effective approach to releasing and erasing those inner voices or "characters" that rob us of joy, peace, self-trust, and balance. Using crayons, paper, and simple (or complex) drawings that emanate from our deepest heart and soul-self, you will discover aspects of your ego that have been burdening your healthy progress in life.
As a healer myself, I know I cannot take my students anywhere I have not been myself. Emily has "been there". She is gentle, empathetic, and an expert listener. Through asking questions, Emily helps you "draw out" and discover your own solutions to issues that may have challenged you for life! The best part of the experience is no artistic talent is required. Your images are not "judged", nor is your process.
This experience is a true gift for your soul and should not be missed.
Leav B.
Artist & Jewelry Designer

I had a session with Emily, and it was amazing! We talked about my fear and how this little demon inside of me was keeping me crippled. In the matter of an hour, I released it, and now I am being productive in my life! Please take advantage of this process for yourselves as well as your clients.
Donna D.
Certified Health Coach

I don't believe it. I was very skeptical going into this. I thought this would be some 30-step process that ultimately wouldn't work. But it did. I feel euphoric. You're a miracle worker!
Brian C.
Project Manager, US Air Force

I was able to identify a huge blind spot that was running my life, then say goodbye to the behavior and be free to create a new life of creativity. I now feel a subtle calm, peace, and presence - like something is complete, over, and all is well.

I was expecting to meet with another paid white woman who would present me with her ideals of what my issues are and what I need to do to "change my life around". I was surprised to read sincerity in Emily's heart. She truly wants to assist those of us whom society has deemed undesirable. She never impressed upon me that "I" had issues but that "we" (including her) had issues.
The Drawing Out Process is the chance of a lifetime to confront underlying characteristics about yourself: a necessity. I got an opportunity to confront my inner child. I'm 43 years old; this was a long-awaited confrontation. I understand ME more than I did before this experience.
"Emily truly wants to assist those of us who society has deemed undesirable."

I never would have guessed that by simply drawing my emotions I could have the ability to heal them - and myself. With Emily's help, I was able to heal a wounded part that has been there since childhood. She was understanding and supportive throughout the entire process and really got to the heart of the matter. I feel such a sense of relief - that something has started to shift and change inside of me.
Senior Business Analyst

Emily and the Drawing Out Process helped me get in touch with things that I have not allowed myself to process for a very long time and, most importantly, helped me deal with them right then and there - not with months of talk therapy.
I believe the Drawing Out Process is one of those rare ideas that, when you hear about it, you have an "aha" moment. It is up there with pet rocks and sliced break - really good ideas that spread all over the world.

If there ever was a process that embodies the phrase "break free", this is it.
Jeri M.
Program Manager

Thank you for helping me get through and release some of the anger inside of me. It greatly helped. I have definitely felt a lot better since, and I definitely do not feel as sad anymore. I appreciate your wise words and your understanding of the s@#$ I've had to put up with. Without your ingenious method, I would still have that anger and sadness inside me and no way to let it out.
The Drawing Out Process is awesome, and I hope you can continue helping people. You truly have a gift!
Nick E.

I feel so relieved and at peace with myself. I feel at one with myself. I understand myself, my behaviors, my actions. If not for Emily, I'd still be trying to figure out why I did some of the things I have done. She has truly been a blessing, and I am very thankful for her. Thank you!

The Drawing Out Process is fabulous! After just one time of drawing out a monster, I felt so much clearer about what had been confusing me and holding me back. Instead of being scared of what came out of the process, I felt a compassion for it. I had created that monster for a reason. Instead of beating myself up, I felt a compassion for myself and my shortcomings. For me, that's a big step. I felt an overall sense of calm and more confidence. Thanks, Emily, for bringing this to the world!
Vicki L.
Holistic Health Coach

Emily allowed me to open up a part of me that I have been afraid of for years. She walked me down a dark road and never left my side. I feel honored to have met a person with such love and compassion in her heart. There aren't enough words to express the gratitude I have for you, Emily. You walked into a place that was dark and empty and gave us a torch so we can see.
David B.
Former Inmate

I still can't believe such a child-like process had such a profound effect on my life. I recognized my anger for who it was and was able to forgive myself wholeheartedly. I feel so much lighter.

Emily's Drawing Out Process is one of the most powerfully effective tools I have ever used to heal what's going on in the subconscious that gets in the way of what you consciously want to create in your life.
Kare C.
Spiritual Life Coach

"Thank you, Emily, for making me feel loved."
Thank you, Emily, for making me feel loved and that I can be loved. I am somebody. I don't have to let the past say I am not.

I am in a happier place today than I've been in a long time. I feel very whole and alive. Your Drawing Out Process is tremendous and can help so many people. I would recommend it to anyone.
Marissa B.
Real Estate Agent

I cannot say enough good things about your and your work, Emily. I had some serious clarity after only one session with you. It was pretty amazing - as are you!
Shannon P.
Casting Director

I just went through the Drawing Out Process with Emily Eldredge and had a major shift. She expertly guided me to the core issue that was holding me back, and then took me through the process to release that energy and transform it into an energy that supported me. Besides feeling much more peaceful at the end of the process, further evidence was provided to us both in that I can now say the word "effortlessly", which before I was unable to say without stumbling over the word. I now live my life effortlessly.
Thanks, Emily. You - and the Drawing Out Process - are amazing!
Sara B.
Spiritual Coach & Healer

Hello, my dear friend. I just had to thank you again for your commitment to helping me heal. What you do is miraculous. I'm grateful for the work you do and for your presence in my life.
Tatiana T.
Life Coach

I was going through a tough time where I felt helpless, lost, and I didn't know what to do. I turned to the Drawing Out Process, and it worked miracles! I feel so much better about myself, happier, and have a more positive outlook on life.
If you're having a rough time in your life, I hope you all try it! Oh, and Emily is so sweet and easy to talk to.
Abigail E.
Medical Assistant

"You are the s#$%!"
In prison, all we do is programs - not many of them have the impact this one has had on me. Thank you so very much, Emily! You are the S#$%!

It was amazing, really amazing - a really, really amazing transformation of me. I always thought of myself as a positive person, but now I truly feel it. In less than 48 hours, I have seen the difference. I find that old irritations just go by.
This is so exhilarating. This is truly amazing. This really worked, and I am so grateful and thankful. I just want to thank you, Emily, for your kindness, compassion, and expertise in getting me to be the better person I want to be.
Franki S.
Events Director

I feel so fresh! With Emily's guidance, I resolved an inner struggle that I was unaware of (or was refusing to admit I had) and started for the first time in my life to feel as "One". The "emPowers & exPowers" framework enabled me to understand the root cause of my inner struggles and to fully appreciate who I am. The Drawing Out Process enabled me to draw a crystal clear vision for myself. Knowing my Truth, owning it, and then declaring it has changed the person I am. I am turning into the person I've always wanted to be!
I recommend every single person go through this process. Trust me, it is life-transforming.
Fati-Zahra Ma-el-ainin
Psychology Practitioner, Partner, and COO at InspireCorp

"I truly believe everyone has the right to feel this way..."
I sincerely thank you for your efforts in sharing this with the world, and thank you for helping me out of a dark place. I truly believe everyone has the right to feel the same way as I do now - to be freer, clearer and more at peace, knowing who they are, and who they’re meant to be.

Emily, your patience is astounding! Boy, those characters were intent on staying, and you coaxed them both into a new way of being with love, understanding, and gentle persistence. I am grateful for having met you! All seems to be quiet still. I can't thank you enough.
Sherry M.
Lead Designer

I have gone through many programs, but this process allowed me to heal a wound that was killing me from the inside out. Emily allowed me to open up a part of me that I have been afraid of for years. There aren't enough words to express the gratitude I have for you, Emily.

The DrOP was an experience I will never forget. It changed my life forever. The DrOP truly gives release to those under extreme stressful circumstances. I plan to continue to use the DrOP in my life forever. May God bless Emily and those who brought the DrOP to our Marion Correctional Institution.

This course made me laugh, smile, cry, and above all feel safe to explore my inner exPowers. Emily's simple way of delivering a powerful message is a breath of fresh air. I am no longer intimidated to be myself, and that, in itself, is priceless.

It was a simple yet profound experience. Not only have I felt stress-free, but I have found myself interacting with others in a more positive way. As a result, others relate to me in a more positive way. This has truly been a life-changing experience.